Older systems (from the 486 processors on back) didn't have the hard drive and floppy drive interfaces or the serial and parallel ports built into the mainboards - a common practice on today's boards.

That means there are a lot of expansion slot cards out there that allow you to add these interfaces and ports to a mainboard. The installation of these cards is just like any other expansion slot card; the only tricky part is finding the drivers for them. If you're installing a new I/O card on an old mainboard (I *suppose* that's still possible!) then you shouldn't have any problem - the drivers will come with the new card. Otherwise, hopefully your operating system will contain the drivers you need. If not, and you need the drivers for your specific card, good luck! Tracking down drivers for old obsolete cards can be very frustrating, as well as impossible, at times. Start at "www.driverguide.com/ or www.windrivers.com

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